יום שני, 13 ביוני 2011

Manny Winston of blessed memory

מצורפת בזה הודעה באנגלית של השתתפות בצער על פטירתו של מני וינסטון ז"ל, מארה"ב,

לוחם וותיק למען ארץ ישראל וידיד של נשים למען עתיד ישראל - נשים בירוק

למשפחת וינסטון היקרה -  בבניין ירושלים וארץ ישראל תנוחמו.


Dear Friends,


Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) mourn the loss of a dear friend Manny Winston.

Below please find the email the family sent out with the details of the funeral that will take place tomorrow Tuesday June 14th in Jerusalem.


Manny and his dear wife Gail, may G-d give her a long healthy life, long-time committed fighters for Erets Israel,

are dear friends of Women in Green. Manny has written hundreds of articles under the title "Winston Mideast Analysis and Comment"  representing the proud Jewish voice of the majority of the Jewish People who are loyal to their land and heritage.

We will sorely miss his insights and commentaries.


To our dear friend Gail and the entire Winston family, may you be comforted among the builders of Zion and may you know no more sorrow,


With love for Israel,


Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover

Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)




From: Winston Commentary Mid East Analysis [mailto:winston@winstonglobal.org]
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 7:44 AM
To: winston@winstonglobal.org


WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY           June 12, 2011                BARUCH DAYAN EMET         B"SD

Email: winston@winstonglobal.org Please disseminate & re-post.  If you publish, send us a copy.  Many of our articles appear in freeman.org; JewishIndy.com; gamla.org.il/English.   Outgoing mail is virus-checked.  To be removed from this list, please send your Email address.

From Gail Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator


Dear Friends, 

        Manny Winston was niftar this morning at 8:30 am CDT after an 11 year battle against cancer.   We will miss his presence in this world but, perhaps HaShem wanted him back.

North Shore Chabad of Highland Park will hold a brief memorial after morning davening at 7:30 PM, 847 Central Avenue, Highland Park June 13, 2011.  You are welcome to come before we take off for Israel.   

The levaya (funeral) for Manny will begin Tuesday, June 14 at the Sanhedria Funeral Home, hopefully around 5 PM after the 3 planes bringing family arrive.  From there the levaya will be at Har Zeitim, Mount of Olives – through the gate to the left of the Intercontinental Hotel.   Please come if you can.

May we all be blessed with simchas and also be comforted among the mourners of Jerusalem.

All the Best,

Gail Winston & all of Manny's family and friends

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